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Digital Signage

Our new frontier for multimedia services has a name, Digital Signage.

This innovative technology permits to modify in real time his contents, it can be reproduced by screens, video projections or ledwall.

His presence creates a better involvement with clients, it permits to communicate more efficaciously with them, contact us for more info and installation projects.

The future is waiting for you.

The Digital Signage’s solutions that AVL propose foresees multimedia players that can integrate various typology of media.

The graphic layout is completely customizable in function for each customer, while the multimedia player reproduce contents always updated on the display, it can also be integrated with a touch screen to make it interactive.

The system can work in autonomy by following a schedule or interacting with an external control systems, the contents are remotely published through a dedicated portal and instantly distributed via network to all the players connected at our CMS.

We provide assistance and back office services to solve any problem.